Understanding Commercial Leasing Through PMHA

Understanding Commercial Leasing Through PMHA

Finding the perfect space for your business can be a daunting task, especially when considering location, budget, and zoning requirements. If you’re a business owner searching for small commercial spaces for rent, the Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA)...

A Guide to the Capital Fund Program

A Guide to the Capital Fund Program

The Capital Fund Program plays an important role in sustaining and improving public housing across the United States. For organizations like the Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA), it provides essential resources to ensure safe, affordable housing for...

Auditor of State Award

Auditor of State Award

This morning Jennifer Drlik, East Regional Liaison, Auditor of State, presented PMHA with the Ohio Auditor of State’s Award for excellence in financial reporting in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and compliance with applicable laws for...

Our Service Areas

PMHA provides affordable housing and support services in Northeast Ohio, enhancing quality of life for low-income families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. Explore our service area.

What Zoning Types Are Used for Commercial Properties

What Zoning Types Are Used for Commercial Properties

When planning to set up or expand a business, understanding the various zoning types for commercial properties is essential. Zoning regulations govern how land and buildings can be used within a municipality, ensuring orderly development and harmonious community...

Understanding PMHA’s Homeownership Program

Owning a home is a dream for many, and PMHA’s Homeownership Program is dedicated to turning that dream into reality. This program offers Section 8 and Public Housing participants the opportunity to use their vouchers toward monthly mortgage payments, making...

How to Become a Section 8 Landlord

Are you looking for an investment property and wondering how to become a landlord? Ensure regular rent payments and lower vacancy rates by working with the Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA) to become a Section 8 Housing Landlord. Originating in the Housing...

PMHA Taking a Stand Against Child Abuse

PMHA Taking a Stand Against Child Abuse

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month. PMHA staff planted pinwheels in the agency's front lawn to raise awareness of child abuse and prevention. #ProtectPortageChildren    

What is the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a vital initiative aimed at empowering families in the low-income voucher program to achieve economic independence and stability. Established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the FSS Program...

A Guide to Using Section 8 Vouchers

The Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) Program, more frequently known as the Section 8 Program, is a wonderful aid for low-income families who are seeking affordable housing. Obtaining a place to live has long been a problem for low-income families in the U.S., and the...