Housing Programs
PMHA Is Here to Help YouPMHA Programs
Explore the programs PMHA participates in to increase benefits for Portage County residents.
Moving to Work
This HUD program increases housing choices for low-income Portage County residents. It also helps them find employment and become self-sufficient.
Homeownership Program
Helps Section 8 and Public Housing participants purchase their own homes using Section 8 Voucher towards a monthly mortgage payment.
Capital Fund Program
Funding for the development, financing, and modernization of public housing developments and for management improvements.
Section 8 Voucher Program
The most commonly known of the Section 8 programs, the Voucher program increases affordable housing choices for low-income households by allowing families to choose privately-owned rental units.
MTW Homeownership Program
Participating families receive monthly assistance in making mortgage payments if their home was purchased through the PMHA Homeownership Program.
Mainstream Program
Provides vouchers to enable persons with disabilities (elderly or non-elderly) to access affordable private housing of their choice.
Shelter Plus Care Program
Shelter Plus Care (S+C) is a program designed to provide housing and supportive services on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities.
Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)
Initiative Maximum Program Size 25 PMHA partners with Portage County Job & Family Services (Children’s Services) to provide Tenant Protection Vouchers to assist eligible youth (under age of 25) who have recently left the foster care system for a period of 36 months, subject to availability.
MTW Project-Based Voucher Program
The purpose of the PBV Program is to increase the supply of rental units and to assist the special needs populations of Portage County. Some of the PBV owners include: Family & Community Services, Coleman Professional Services, Neighborhood Development Services and PIRHL.
Family Self-Sufficiency Program
Helps families assisted under the Voucher program to achieve economic independence by linking them with supportive services and resources provided by PMHA, social service and other partner agencies. Under the program an escrow account is established for the family. The account is held until the family successfully completes the program.
Moderate Rehabilitation Program
Provides project-based rental assistance. The program was repealed in 1991 and no new projects are authorized for development. PMHA has a Moderate Rehabilitation program contract with Portage Woods in Windham.
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing
Combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
PMHA welcomes your questions, comments and requests.
2832 State Route 59
Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 297-1489