Moving To Work Program

Innovative Strategies to Address Local Community Needs
Contact Us About Moving to WorkDraft 2025 MTW Plan


PMHA is the only public housing authority (PHA) in Ohio that is currently part of the MTW  demonstration. PMHA’s MTW program began March 15, 1999. PMHA has participated in  MTW since its inception. PMHA signed a Standard Agreement in 2008, extending its  participation in MTW until the end of its 2018 fiscal year; however, in 2016, the PMHA’s  participation in the demonstration was extended through year 2028. 

MTW is a demonstration program for PHAs that provides them the opportunity to design  and test innovative, locally-designed strategies that use Federal dollars more efficiently,  help residents find employment and become self-sufficient, and increase housing choices  for low-income families. MTW gives PHAs exemptions from many existing public housing  and voucher rules and more flexibility with how they use their Federal funds. MTW PHAs  are expected to use the opportunities presented by MTW to inform HUD about ways to  better address local community needs. 

PHAs in the MTW demonstration also have the flexibility to combine Federal funds from  the public housing operating and modernization programs and Housing Choice Voucher  program into a “block grant” to help them better meet the purposes of the demonstration  and the needs of their communities. This means MTW PHAs are permitted to combine  their Public Housing Operating and Capital funds and Housing Choice Voucher funds and  use these funds interchangeably. For example, an MTW agency could use public housing  capital funds to issue additional vouchers or use voucher funds to develop more public  housing to better fit the needs of its community. 

The caveat to this flexibility is that MTW PHAs “assist substantially the same total number  of eligible low-income families as would have been served had the funding amounts not  been combined”. This provision helps ensure accountability of MTW agencies to HUD  and their communities. In most cases, more families are served when an MTW Agency  shifts funds between programs through the use of the MTW “block grant”. It is also  important to note that under the MTW demonstration, PHAs receive funding that is  equivalent to what they would have received had they not participated in MTW. As a result  of its participation in MTW, PMHA serves approximately 5% more families than it would  have without MTW.  

While MTW agencies have considerable flexibility, they must still abide by all other federal  rules and regulations, including the Fair Housing Act, the Civil Rights Act, labor standards,  environmental rules, procurement guidelines, demolition and disposition procedures and  relocation regulations. For all activities that affect their residents’ rent payments, PHAs  must also conduct an impact analysis that recognizes the unforeseen circumstances that  may affect their residents and develop an appropriate hardship policy. These safeguards  help minimize any potentially negative impact of MTW on residents and communities.




  • Restrict portability moves out of Portage County 
  • MTW Homeownership Voucher Program To Include Transfers From Public  Housing and Assistance to Existing Homeowners in Foreclosure 
  • Initial Rent Burden Cap to 50% of Adjusted Monthly Income 
  • Project-Based Voucher Program to Assist Non-profits and Developers to Increase  Housing Choices for Low-Income Households 
  • Elimination of Deductions in Total Tenant Payment Calculations 
  • Permit Households at $0 HAP to Self-Certify Income 
  • Extend the $0 HAP Period to 12 Months  
  • Change the Allocation of Interest Earned for the Housing Choice Voucher Family  Self-Sufficiency Program  
  • $200 incentive for New Landlords 
  • Protecting Tenants Living in Foreclosed Rental Properties


  • Maximum Rent Set at Less Than 30% of Adjusted Income 
  • Changes in Employment Income are not Processed Until Next Annual  Recertification (for Increases) 
  • Rent Adjustment for Income Decreases of Less than $1000 or Lasting Under 30  Days are Not Processed Until Next Annual Recertification 
  • PMHA to Operate Two Group Homes as Public Housing 
  • Residents Paying Ceiling Rents May Self-certify Income 
  • Elimination of Deductions in Total Tenant Payment Calculations 
  •  Scattered Site Transfer for Selected Qualified Households 


  • Exclusions of Overtime, Bonuses and Income from Assets  
  • Utility Allowance Payments are Used to Repay Participant Debts Owed to the  Housing Authority
  • Self-Certification as Highest Form of Income Verification 
  • Verifications of Income Valid for 180 Days 
  • Pro-ration of the Utility Allowance Schedule Up to the Percentage of Pro-ration of  Funding as Established by HUD Due to Appropriations
  • Change in Social Security and SSI Income Processing  
  • Re-Entry Initiative

For more information on PMHA’s MTW program visit:

Other PMHA Programs

Explore more programs from PMHA that greatly benefit Portage County residents.

Homeownership Program

Helps Section 8 and Public Housing participants purchase their own homes using Section 8 Voucher towards a monthly mortgage payment.

Learn about the Homeownership Program

Capital Fund Program

Funding for the development, financing, and modernization of public housing developments and for management improvements.

Learn about the Capital Fund Program


PMHA welcomes your questions, comments and requests.

2832 State Route 59
Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 297-1489