Public housing authorities all work to provide affordable options, but not all programs are the same. PMHA is dedicated to helping people and families find apartments, townhouses, single-family homes, multi-family units, and group home residences that meet different needs. We do this by offering access to public and subsidized housing options. What’s the difference? Read on to find out.
PMHA’s public housing is owned and operated by our organization. We provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
PMHA has 303 housing units, distributed throughout Portage County. Of these, 233 are designated for families, and 70 are considered for elderly and disabled persons. PMHA housing is located in Ravenna and Ravenna Township, Kent, Brimfield, Rootstown, Shalersville, Windham, Edinburg, Freedom and Atwater.
The units are paid for by the rents charged to residents, which is calculated based on the family’s income, and a subsidy from the federal government to make up the difference between operating costs and rents.
Privately-owned Subsidized housing is owned and operated by private owners who receive subsidies directly through HUD in exchange for renting to low- and moderate-income people. Owners may be individual landlords or for-profit or nonprofit corporations. Subsidized housing can be obtained through vouchers, where the subsidy is used by a tenant to find rental housing in the private market and is paid to a private landlord. A list of known Privately-Owned Subsidized Properties, within Portage County, can be obtained by request from the PMHA office or by visiting
Section 8 is PMHA’s largest housing assistance program, and is funded by the federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Housing Choice Voucher, commonly known by the name Section 8, is PMHA’s largest housing assistance program. Funded by the federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing Choice Vouchers assist low-income, eligible households with paying for rent and utilities from private landlords. Participants are free to rent virtually any unit that meets program standards for cost and housing quality.
Under the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), a participating household receives a voucher and must find a qualifying rental unit owned by a landlord willing to rent to them. The household share of the rent is determined by a formula, and the housing authority then pays the landlord directly for the difference between the household’s rental share and the market rent. The housing unit must pass a housing inspection to assure PMHA it is safe and sanitary and must have a reasonable rent for the housing market.
PMHA hosts quarterly Landlord Orientation meetings. Property owners, managers, and realtors are invited to attend, to learn more about how the Section 8 program offers a unique opportunity to earn income while encouraging community development.